Monday, August 10, 2009

Winter in Juneau

I love the winter in Juneau and miss it. While walking around during a snowstorm in February with my cameras, I was thinking about what the essence of Juneau in the winter may look like. There were ravens flying around having way too much fun. A few were looking rather regal and yet others were hassling them a bit for their seriousness. A whole tribe of them was scarfing pizza downtown, ignoring the snow. For real. But mostly, they were reveling in the bliss of simply flying through the big snowflakes.

As usual, the mountains loomed overhead, and the upper ridges dissolved in and out of view from the clouds and snow. You always feel a bit small looking up at the mountains. The scene changed from moment to moment. This is how I remember Juneau from when we used to live here; this will always be home regardless of where I currently live.

My cameras were getting a bit wet from all the snow, and I’d put them inside my jacket as I walked around, wiping them dry every now and then. I was shooting mostly digital, but in homage to photography, shot with Kodachrome film too.

This was a commissioned print from Sealaska, which makes it pretty special for me. I made some other art for them, but really love this print because it feels like Juneau to me.

Larry Tee Harbor Jackson McNeil, 2009

(Digital print, 44" wide x 60" high, for you photo tech-heads, shot with a brand spankn' new Canon 5D MKII w/ 70-200 f/4 lens. Powered by high octane hooligan oil, none of that sissy stuff for this kid...)

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